Patient Drug Administration

The patient's Drug Administration page can be opened by clicking the Drug Admin menu on the manage patient page. You will see a list of the patient's drug administration if avaliable and sorted in descending order (Most recent first).

To post a new drug administration entry, click on the New Drug Admin button. This will launch the Drug Admin popup. Here, you can enter the drug admin data.

Drug Administration Entry Fields

1. Last Diagnosis - This is the last diagnosis for the current patient.
2. Drug Item - Select the drug to administer from the list
3. Quantity/Dosage - Enter the quantity or dosage e.g. 100
4. Measure - Select the drug measure e.g. mg or ml
5. Note - Enter a note if necessary.

Click on the Save button when done.

You can see all drug administrations for all patients from the drug admin page. To view all drug administrations,

1. Click on the Dispensary/Pharmacy menu.
2. Select Drug Administration from the drop down menu.
3. This will open up the Drug Administration page where you can view all administered drugs.


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