Manage Inventory Items

After creating the inventory categories, the next step is to create the invetory items for your dispensary or pharmacy. There are a few things to know before creating inventory items. They include,

To manage your inventory items,

1. Click on the Dispensary/Pharmacy menu and select Manage Inventory.
2. This will open the Inventory management page. You can search for an item using the search box.
3. You can also filter the items that are displayed by using the Select Category dropdown.
4. The total number of expired items in displayed to your right at the top of the table.

To add a new item,

1. Click on the Add Inventory icon.
2. Fill out the form fields on the popup form.
3. The Barcode is important if you which to sell items using a barcode reader.
4. The combination of the Quantity In Stock and Reorder Level helps you manage the stock and ensures you dont run out of items regularly.
5. The include in NHIS field tells the system if it should allow NHIS pay for the item. The NHIS might not pay for certain items. Verify such items and indicate if necessary.
6. Click on the Save button when done.

To Edit an invetory item,

1. Click on the Edit icon for the item you want to edit.
2. Modify the fields you wish to update.
3. Click on the Save button when done.


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