Complete A Test

When you have finished entering the Test Results, you should complete the Test.

To Complete a test,

1. From the listed tests on the Manage Laboratory page, click on the Charge/Complete icon for the Test you wish to complete.
2. You will get a prompt to confirm your action. Click OK to confirm.
3. Test will be completed and the background color will change to grey on page refresh.


You will not be able to edit the test results after a test is completed so be sure to enter all test results before you complete a test.

Completing a test is very useful because it ensures that the test cannot be altered in the future which is very important to the patients medical records.

Completing a test also lets the doctor know the test has been completed and ready for his use. The test status is always indicated on the patient's page and if it is not updated by the lab personel, the doctor will not be aware it is ready for his use.


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